Okay! So now that these photos have FINALLY decided to upload, I can blog! I feel like there has to be a faster way to put pictures on the internet, but I guess I should think back to the days of dial up and be extreeeemely grateful for what we have now. That being said, Saturday night the Pitt Program Council hosted a concert for all Undergraduate Students at the Ftizgerald Fieldhouse on Upper Campus. Who performed? B.o.b! He's been featured in some popular songs, like "Airplanes" and "Magic," but he also has his own album with his own songs which are pretty dang good! The tickets were only 5 bucks, the concert started at 8pm, and the doors opened at 7pm.
My group of friends and I figured that the line to get in would be pretty long, so we weren't in a huge hurry to get there and wait outside in line since it was pretttyyyyy cold outside. We left Lower Campus around 6:30, reached the fieldhouse by 6:45 and, believe it or not, there was barely anyone in line! We waited in line together and had an awesome time, just talking like we normally do. Free Red Bull energy drinks were given out and a good time was had by all ;)
Kim and D, enjoying their free Red Bulls..
D, Lauren, and Beth.
Caroline...breakin it down ;)
When the doors opened at 7, we all rushed in and literally got the front and center spot! Caroline was pushed up against the front railing and we were all right behind her. We were around a good group of people, so it wasn't that bad waiting the hour until the opening group came on. It was these two guys who rapped...honestly, their mic's weren't very loud so I didn't even catch their name, and well, we'll just say that they gave it their best effort, and leave it at that.
And then, after a much anticipated wait, B.o.b. came on stage! It.was.awesome. I didn't even know all of the songs but he got everyone in the crowd so involved that everyone definitely had an awesome time. I took a bunch of videos and Lauren took a tonnnn of pictures and we were SO close and it was just SO cool and I absolutely had an amazing time.
He sang a ton of good songs that everyone got so into and he even jumped into the crowd...right on top of where I was standing! So he literally crowdsurfed right on top of me...I won't lie, it was prettyyyy scary because everyone was just pushing to try and touch him and I almost fell over a couple of times! But definitely worth it! He got back on stage and continued to sing and perform and all that good stuff. Throughout his performance he would throw out drumsticks to people, and towards the end he threw out his jacket! Needless to say, it caused a bit of a riot. I am not even kidding. There was light this big fight that broke out over this jacket, and I'm pretty sure that he didn't even notice, cus he went right ahead and threw both of his shoes out into the crowd too! Crazy. That's all I have to say.
BUT!...it doesn't end there. I was lucky enough to get thrown his towel at the end of the show! Yeah, a sweaty towel...kinda gross, but nonetheless, very cool. I snatched it out of the air and hid it under my jacket and bolteddddd outta there! I mean, I wasn't trying to get into a brawl over a TOWEL! It was awesome. My friends and I made our way back to Holland, I grabbed some much-needed grub, and then took the time to look at all of these amazing pictures and videos. It was definitely a good night. I love the cool things and people that come to college campuses...we're so lucky.
soooooo close!!!
And what's next? Pitt hosts this big thing called Bigelow Bash, and on April 10 they close off Bigelow Blvd. for a ton of festivities. A school band who won our own version of "battle of the bands" opens up for a big name artist...and this year we get to see Ke$ha! You can bet I'm extremely pumped about this. My friends and I are planning on going allll out for this one! I can only hope that we get as lucky as we did for B.o.b...keep your fingers crossed!
I'll try and get some videos up for you all to see!
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