Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day One!

note: click on the photos to view them in a larger scale.
Day one: complete! The bottom black line is our route across the country...it looks so short on a map, but I'll tell ya, it's definitely not a short trip!
Started the day off by heading to Lewistown so Alex could say goodbye to his family. His mom made us breakfast and we talked for a while and then it was time to hit the road! It's so weird but the entire day it still all felt so unreal...like we're just going on a day trip or something. I think tomorrow it'll finally hit me.
Overall, we did about 13 hours or driving today! Well, Alex did the driving, I just kept him company :P We stopped a few times to let Biff out, eat some food, and of course for bathroom stops...but I was definitely glad that we did...13 hours of driving can really cramp your legs up :P
I'd say I'm a pretty good road companion...well I hope so for Alex's sake. I did fall asleep once..but only for about half an hour through Ohio..I'd say that's not too shabby ;) I love car rides...there's just something about going and going and going...listening to music, talking, zoning out every now and then, and above all, just enjoying all of the cool things that you always come across. I can't believe that we have three or four more days of this! I love it.

My goal is to take pictures of all the states border signs 
that we go through..doing well so far!
Today, we drove out of PA, through Ohio, and halfway through Indiana! And let me just say, Ohio is one.long.drive. And not too much to see either...but one thing Alex and I are really enjoying is seeing everything change the further and further we go. Less mountains and flatter ground. Even just the people we've come across. It's crazy stuff and I'm really looking forward to seeing bigger changes the further out we get...especially once we get to the desert!

BUT...Ohio WAS the home of one of our planned stops! Of course this was one that Alex picked out because he's the Star Wars buff here...i've never even watched an entire movie!! Needless to say that he was prettttyyyy pumped about it ;)  But it was this really cool full size X-Wing Fighter Replica that some guy made himself and put it outside of his restaurant. 
You can read all about it here actually!
It also had all these license plates hanging up on the wall outside and I just had to take a picture because I found one that said Suds and well, one of my best friends is named Suds! So of couuuurse I had to show the world :P
We also passed Columbus, Ohio on our way into Indiana...right in the middle of rush hour. Luckily we didn't hit toooo much traffic because of that, but we did get stuck in two traffic jams because of accidents. One punch buggy had completely caught on fire...thank god it wasn't us.
Ever since living in Pittsburgh this last year, I really enjoy seeing other cities. Just to compare them and see what they're all about...I think everyone should give them a try at some point in their lives...I know that I love it at least :)
And as we passed through Indiana, we came across the one of the World's Largest Crosses! We had read about it earlier but didn't even realize that it would be riiiight there outside our window. I snapped a picture super quickly from the car so you could all see. It doesn't really do it justice, but if you look really close and compare it to the three story house that's sitting next to it, you might get a better idea as to how huge it is.

But anyway, it was a long day of driving but it definitely won't be our longest. We've made it through the slower part of our trip and tomorrow we're looking forward to stopping at more outrageous attractions for you all to see! As for now, we're settled in Indianapolis and we hope to get a good night's sleep for our drive tomorrow. Finishing up Indiana, hitting Illinois, seeing the St. Louis Arches..and soooo much more! Can't wait to keep you all posted! Keep us in your prayers please!

over and out. 
day two to come!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having fun dude! St. Louis sounded cool from your texts... and take lots more pictures for mom and I to see when you get back!!!! All my friends here are re-living their roadtrip to Texas last spring break bc I told them about yours...
