Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day Two!

The Happenings of Day Two:

1.    Said goodbye to Indiana and hello to Illinois!
2.     Gained an extra hour of daylight as we passed through the time zone change! (does this make us successful time travelers now? I would say so, yes).
3.     Enjoyed lots of coffee and had numerous battles with Biff for the front seat!
 Goodbye Indianapolis!
 Hello Illinois!
Happiest puppy in the world...Biff!
4.     Saw (yet again) another Giant Cross on the side of the road.
5.     Stopped for lunch in Effingham, Illinois and saw a huuuge Nike warehouse along the way.
6.     Improved my map reading skills…yes, I am very proud of this!
7.     Saw the Mississippi river for the first time in our lives! (Let me just add that they were STILL working on cleaning up from the flood...roads were still closed and flooded when we got there)!
8.     Didn’t get a picture of the Missouri sign BUT I did get the St. Louis Arch which basically welcomes you into the state anyway ;)
9.     Saw the beautiful city of St. Louis (I think this was my favorite stop of the entire trip so far).
10. Took Biff for a walk through a nice little park, saw the Arch, walked down by the flooded river, and sweated profusely from the heat!
11. Sat in the shade for a while and just enjoyed the beautiful day, river, company, and extra space to stretch out too ;)
 the beautiful city of St. Louis, Missouri
 The St. Louis Arch! could see 
this from sooo far away!
 Alex and Biff walking through the park.
 The Arch!
 the flooded Mississippi River
 Biff enjoying the shade and looking 
out over the river (and maybe at the 
biker too) 
 water for Biff on a VERY hot day!
 cleaning up the overflow of water (I have to say,
it didn't really look like they were making much progress)
 that is an entiiiire road, flooded, STILL, from the Mississippi
and again!
12. Made our way down to Springfield, Missouri to see the World’s Largest Fork! You can read about it here. (ironically, it was planted in a bed of green lettuce-looking plants…making me crave a big crunchy salad)!
13. Walked around the charming little area of Springfield for a while.
14. Finally made our way onto Route 66! (Although most parts of the original route 66 are in pretty bad condition, so it actually runs parallel to the highway but in certain spots it’s the same road).

 such a large fork!
15. Saw countless signs to Meramec Caverns…and no, we did not give into the advertising and stop...I’m serious though, we must have seen close to 50 Billboards for Meramec Caverns…too funny)!
16. Had a blast from the past with an hour of 90’s music!
17. Entered into the state of Oklahoma as we watched the sun set (beautiful of course)!
18. Drove a few miles until we reached the town of Miami, Oklahoma (Alex loved this place! Note: sarcasm).

the perfect sunset to end the day...
19. Heard some real-deal Southern accents for the first time (so cool…I know, I am so easily amused).
20. Grabbed some dinner and a hotel room and ended the night with some Leo in Catch Me If You Can.

Miles Driven: 700-800.
Hours Driven: 12-13.
States Driven In: four.
Stops made: five.
 myself and the Biff :)

And tomorrow starts days three! We’ll stop pretty early on in Catoosa, Oklahoma to see the Giant Blue Whale and then head for The Cadillac Ranch in Texas. We’ll gain another hour and we’ll enter into the desert! Keep us in your thoughts! 
Alex and I infront of the Arch!

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