Tuesday, July 26, 2011

it's just tuesday...

sometimes you just need an incredibly large
cup of coffee to start your day.
(especially when you work a double)...

I wouldn't consider myself too much of a morning person. I'm a night owl. I enjoy being up when everyone else is asleep. I like to stay up late and then start my day around eleven...things are gonna have to change though when that 9:00am class schedule hits. Ouch...

Haven't been living too much of an incredibly exciting life lately. Mostly just doing a little bit of shopping for school (i got a toaster!) and lots of working at the theatre. It's different now that I'm not going to have any roommates this year. There are pros and cons...but mostly it means that I can't rely on Laur or D when it comes to something I forgot...or when I lock myself out of the room. Because, trust me, it happens. And it'll happen to everyone before their college years are over... 

So here's to Tuesday...not quite the middle of the week, but not Monday either. Just...Tuesday. Take it how you may...at least you're not working twelve hours at a movie theatre on a gorgeous day! (let's hope I can get through today without some disaster, unlike my past two shifts!) Ahwell, it'll all be worth it when that glorious payday rolls around ;)

And now just one month until I'm back at Pitt. Officially one month. Even just the thought of it gets me so excited! I can't wait to be reunited with the friends I've made; the friends that already feel like family to me.

Stay safe everyone; enjoy this summer weather!!! :)


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